Web Summit Qatar

Technology, Business and Finance


In 2024, Malomatia, a leading technology company, decided to participate in the inaugural Web Summit Qatar, an event that brought together innovators, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders from around the globe. T-SDA collaborated with the Malomatia team to develop a comprehensive concept, content strategy, and design approach that would effectively showcase their company to both local and international audiences.


Concept Development, Brand Strategy, Project Management, Art Direction, Content Development, Writing.

Flux Studio and Gulf Crafts

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T-SDA’s collaboration with malomatia for the Web Summit Qatar 2024 showcase was a multi-faceted project that encompassed various aspects of brand storytelling and strategic design. The scope of work was comprehensive, including developing a cohesive concept and content strategy, creating a beta visual identity specifically for the showcase, designing the layout and structure of the 9×9 meter build, writing and developing a digital booklet that detailed malomatia’s services, and producing six engaging animated proof of concept videos, each expertly explaining a malomatia solution in 60 seconds or less.

To effectively communicate malomatia’s complex narratives and showcase their innovative solutions, we developed a content strategy that focused on creating engaging, informative, and easily digestible content. This involved working closely with the malomatia team to identify key projects, milestones, and success stories that would resonate with the diverse Web Summit audience. By carefully curating the most impactful and relevant information, we were able to craft a compelling story that highlighted malomatia’s expertise and contributions to the industry.

The beta visual identity we created for the showcase served as a unifying element, ensuring a cohesive and visually striking experience for all visitors. The design language was carefully crafted to align with malomatia’s brand values while also being adaptable to the unique context of the Web Summit Qatar. From the colour palette and typography to the iconography and graphic elements, every aspect of the visual identity was designed to create a memorable and impactful impression on the audience.

The centerpiece of the showcase was exhibition build, which served as a physical manifestation of malomatia’s commitment to innovation and sustainability. The structure was designed to provide intimate conversation spaces within, fostering meaningful connections and discussions among attendees. On the exterior, the live gallery featuring captivating case studies and proofs of concept attracted and engaged audiences, providing them with tangible examples of malomatia’s work.

The success of Malomatia’s showcase at Web Summit Qatar 2024 was a testament to the power of strategic brand storytelling and immersive design. By crafting a comprehensive narrative that highlighted malomatia’s history, expertise, and innovative solutions, we were able to captivate audiences and position malomatia as a leader in the technology industry.

The combination of engaging content, interactive experiences, and visual design created a memorable and impactful showcase that generated significant interest and opened up new opportunities for Malomatia on both a local and international scale.

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